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Apr 30, 2020

In this episode, returning guests Ben and Anita Tatlow discuss how they developed their own unique style of music and incorporate their Christian witness into each aspect of their lives. 

In a world less friendly to Christians on a daily basis, Ben and Anita are authentic, bold, yet inviting witnesses of their Christian...

Apr 23, 2020

High achieving established business women are some of the most driven, motivated, and hardworking people in the world. Yet when it comes to taking care of our physical health, we often don’t know how to slow down, take a break, and reduce our stress levels before they reach a dangerous height. 

Our guest in this...

Apr 16, 2020

We all want to see ourselves as great leaders with a commanding presence and the ability to hold our listeners’ attention. But how often does that work out for us in real life - especially if we haven’t been given any tools to help us develop those important skills?

Our guest in this episode talks about developing a...

Apr 9, 2020

Our world is turned upside down by the coronavirus situation, leaving most unable to derive comfort from the tradition of public worship. 

Our guests in this episode are Ben & Anita Tatlow, Hong Kong-based Christian recording artists Salt of the Sound, and we feel that their music can be a source of calm in the storm.